Examining methods for teaching computing

Speaker: Anton Bogdanovych

Affiliation: University of Western Sydney

Time: Monday 06/02/2012 from 14:00 to 15:00

Venue: Access Grid UWS. Presented from Parramatta (EB.1.32), accessible from Campbelltown (26.1.50) and Penrith (Y239).

Abstract: A growing body of research suggests that modern students who grew up with Google and Facebook are very different in their learning customs, demands and abilities when compared to pre-Internet generations. The seminar is an attempt to initiate a discussion on whether this is indeed the case and whether there is a need for UWS to change our teaching strategies to better address the needs of such students. A particular focus of the talk will be on teaching programming fundamentals as an area that highly impacts student success in many other disciplines. Some anecdotic evidence from students and successful teaching strategies of other universities will be analysed.

Biography: Anton Bogdanovych is a lecturer with the School of Computing and Mathematics