IBM's Smarter Planet / Cloud Computing - a trend or a fad?

Speaker: John Schilt

Affiliation: IBM Australia / New Zealand

Time: Monday 12/09/2011 from 14:00 to 15:00

Venue: Access Grid UWS. Presented from Parramatta (EB.1.32), accessible from Campbelltown (26.1.50) and Penrith (Y239).


The IBM Smarter Planet is an approach taken by the large multinational IT company to address and solve some of the worlds problems. All around us we see waste, whether it is in electricity delivery, traffic chaos, in transportation, in health; or we see opportunities to improve systems, deliver better outcomes, often making the seemingly impossible possible, Smarter Planet is about conversations with organisations, governments, academia to address and solve these issues - resulting in Smarter Solutions all over the world. The presentation will explain the Smarter Planet concept in more detail and cite some local and international examples.

Cloud Computing - a trend or a fad? I am convinced that Cloud Computing will drastically change the nature of our industry. In essence, there is little new technology being delivered with Cloud Computing solutions - it is more about existing technology being accepted and deployed by a large group of adopters - in time, moving towards mass adoption. In ten years time, we will look back and wonder how we ever lived without access to the myriad of services offered in the cloud.


John Schilt is a veteran of the IT industry with over 25 years of experience in many varied roles (systems engineering, sales management, product management, business development, channels and distribution). Completed a Bachelors of Applied Science (Computer Science) at UTS in 1986. From a technology perspective, John has experience in Systems Management and Performance, Communications and Networking, Capacity Planning and part time dabbler in software development (MS Access, JEE, JSP, HTML, CSS). John was the original developer of the PP/INFO (V1 - V5) application that is used in running over 200 Psychology practices in Australia. Currently, John runs the IBM Academic Initiative for IBM Australia and New Zealand.