Cross-platform development of cross-platform mobile applications - iPhone, Android, iPad, Blackberry

Speaker: Graeme Salter

Affiliation: University of Western Sydney

Time: Monday 16/08/2010 from 14:00 to 15:00

Venue: Meeting Room (ER.1.23), Parramatta UWS

Abstract: Mobile computing is the new wave. There are currently 1.8 billion internet
users. However, there are over 5 billion mobile phones in use. Around 51
million are smart phones and this number is expected to increase very
rapidly in the near future. Industry is taking this very seriously. Apple
is now considered a 'mobile' company while Google has just purchased Admob,
the largest mobile advertising platform.

We need to be preparing our students for these changes.

This seminar focuses on the methods to develop applications for mobile
devices including how to develop for cross-platform environments. It will
look at the differences between web, native and hybrid apps. We will also
have a brief look at some of the new innovative developments such as dual
device development (mobile plus TV).

Graeme has been developing apps since being awarded a scholarship by
the AUC (Apple University Consortium) in 2009 to attend WWDC in San
Francisco. He was also successful in obtaining an AUC Innovation Grant to
develop educational tools and templates for the iPhone. While supported by
Apple he is also keen to develop for multiple environments including Android
and Bada.

Biography: Graeme is a senior lecturer with the school of Computing and Mathematics.