The Use of Neural Networks in High Energy Particle Physics
Speaker: Antonio Limosani
Affiliation: The University of Melbourne
Time: Monday 31/01/2011 from 11:30 to 12:30
Venue: Access Grid UWS. Presented from Parramatta (EB.1.32), accessible from Campbelltown (26.1.50) and Penrith (Y239).
Abstract: The search for new fundamental particles of nature, such as the Higgs Boson, is the prime goal of the Large Hadron Collider and Tevatron particle accelerator laboratories. Higgs Bosons are expected to be detected soon albeit in a sea of overwhelming background. This talk will discuss how neural networks have come to be relied on to enhance the presence of signal over background.
Biography: Antonio is an ARC Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Physics at the University of Melbourne
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