Olya Ohrimenko

Affiliation: University of Melbourne

URL: https:/­/­people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/­oohrimenko/­

Biography: Olya Ohrimenko is an Associate Professor at The University of Melbourne which she joined in 2020. Prior to that she was a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK, where she started as a Postdoctoral Researcher in 2014. Her research interests include privacy and integrity of machine learning algorithms, data analysis tools and cloud computing, including topics such as differential privacy, verifiable and data-oblivious computation, trusted execution environments, side-channel attacks and mitigations. Recently Olya has worked with the Australian Bureau of Statistics and National Bank Australia. She has received solo and joint research grants from Facebook and Oracle and is currently a PI on an AUSMURI grant. Olya holds a Ph.D. degree from Brown University and a B.CS. (Hons) degree from the University of Melbourne. See https://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/oohrimenko/ for more information.

Seminars given by Olya Ohrimenko

Analog vs. Digital Epsilons: Implementation Considerations for Differential Privacy

Speaker: Olya Ohrimenko (University of Melbourne)

Time: Wednesday 27/07/2022 from 10:00 to 11:00

Venue: Zoom Only

Zoom ID: 851 4740 1905 Password: 809180

More detail