Surya Narayan Panda

Affiliation: Chitkara University, India

Biography: Prof Surya Narayan Panda is Professor and Director Research, Chitkara University, Punjab India. He is the founder Director of the Centre of Excellence “IOT and Cloud Computing Lab”. Prof Panda is an expert in Cyber security, Advanced Computer Network, Algorithm Design, Operating System. He has filed 68 patents, with 20+ patents published/granted, authored over 150 publications and edited 5 books in relevant areas such as Healthcare, Agriculture, and Rural Development. Professor Panda received the Millennium Alliance Award from FICCI and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, in 2017.

Seminars given by Surya Narayan Panda

Artificial Intelligence and its Applications in Innovations

Speaker: Surya Narayan Panda (Chitkara University, India)

Time: Thursday 07/07/2022 from 14:00 to 15:00

Venue: Zoom Only

Zoom ID: 819 3838 2478 Password: 701377

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