New results in Supergravity via ML Technology

Speaker: Thomas Fischbacher

Affiliation: Google

Time: Tuesday 12/09/2023 from 16:30 to 17:30

Venue: Zoom Only

Zoom ID: 886 9406 2943 Password: 909135

Abstract: The infrastructure built to power the Machine Learning revolution has many other uses beyond Deep Learning. Starting from a general architecture-level overview over the lower levels of Google's TensorFlow machine learning library, we look into how this framework can be adopted to analyzing problems in quantum field theory and gravity, with a focus on supergravity.

Biography: Thomas Fischbacher graduated from TU Muenchen with a diploma in Physics in 2000, finished his PhD on symmetry breaking in three-dimensional supergravities in 2003 under the supervision of Hermann Nicolai at the Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam, and after two postdocs in Brussels and Southampton (UK) became a Lecturer in Engineering Physics in Southampton in 2007. In 2012, he joined Google and is currently doing research on Machine Learning and the application of Machine Learning methods to data compression and also exploring other uses of ML frameworks, such as for advancing theoretical physics.